Sewing technology: processing of the pocket in the seam with allowances to one side

Author Administrator
Date 03 november 2016
The processing of pocket in the stitching with the inlays is admitted in the goods, where the stitching do not deviate strongly from the direction of the share fibre. For example, it is in such models as a  pattern of skirt № 340

Step 1.  Cut the sackcloth of the pocket on the underlay piece (visible part of sackcloth) and the sackcloth. 

Карман в шве с припусками взаутюжку.

. Step 2.  Cut out the details of clothes with the one-piece underlay piece from the lining cloth-sackcloth.

Карман в шве с припусками взаутюжку.

Step 3. Stitch to the sackcloth to the underlay, iron the inlays on the sackcloth.  

Карман в шве с припусками взаутюжку.

Карман в шве с припусками взаутюжку.

Step 4. Overedge and lay the line on the sackcloth on 0, 1 sm from the stitch. 

Карман в шве с припусками взаутюжку.

Step 5. Stitch to the details and overedge.  

Карман в шве с припусками взаутюжку.

Карман в шве с припусками взаутюжку.

Карман в шве с припусками взаутюжку.

Step 6. Iron.

Карман в шве с припусками взаутюжку.

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