Vest, free pattern №122


  • size 55, height 98
  • size 57, height 104
  • size 59, height 110
  • size 61, height 116
  • size 63, height 122
  • size 66, height 128
  • size 69, height 134
  • size 72, height 140
  • size 75, height 146
  • size 78, height 152
  • size 81, height 158
  • size 84, height 164
  • size 87, height 170
  • size 90, height 176
  • -


  • 55
  • 57
  • 59
  • 61
  • 63
  • 66
  • 69
  • 72
  • 75
  • 78
  • 81
  • 84
  • 87
  • 90


  • 98
  • 104
  • 110
  • 116
  • 122
  • 128
  • 134
  • 140
  • 146
  • 152
  • 158
  • 164
  • 170
  • 176

Free pattern in PDF format. To download a free pattern you must log in or register




Use the Test Square to adjust the print scale! A test square for checking the A4 scale is located on the first sheet of the A4 pattern file. The test square for checking the plotter scale is located on the pattern sheet in the plotter file.

Vest pattern. A vest of a semi-fitting silhouette of small volume, lined with a length above the hip line. On the front there are vertical reliefs from the armhole, welt pockets with a Welt with inseam ends. The neck has a V-shaped neckline. The central side clasp has three buttons in the heights 98 - 140 and four buttons in the heights 146 - 176. The bottom line of the front is decorated with an angle. The back with a middle seam, and vertical reliefs from the armhole, there are details of the strap at waist level in the reliefs with a two-button closure. The clasp of the strap can have a decorative character or be used to adjust the volume.

Eases added to a pattern: Bust-line: 6 cm, Waist-line: 7,5 cm (height 98,104), 18,5 см (height 110,116), 9,5 см (height 122,128), 10,5 см (height 134-146), 11,5 см (height 152,158), 12,5 см (height 164-176), Hips-line: 4 cm.

Finished back length along the center back, cm: height 98 - 32см, height 104 - 33,5см, height 110 - 35м, height 116 - 36,5см, height 122 - 38см, height 128 - 39,5см, height 134 - 41см, height 140 - 42,5см, height 146 - 44см, height 152 - 45,5см, height 158 - 47см, height 164 - 48,5см,  height 170 - 50см, height 176 - 51,5см.

Fabric suggestion: Main fabric. We recommend using suit fabrics of medium thickness and density without stretching for this model. According to the composition, it can be a half-wool, aswell as fabrics made of artificial, synthetic or mixed fibers.

Lining fabric: natural or mixed fibers, such as viscose, acetate.

Interfacing material. For better quality of sewing, we recommend to use the interfacing material. For example you may use 34 g/m2 density 140 cm, width woven interfacing. The density of the interfacing material depends on the main fabric density.

Amount of Fabrics (in metres):

Main garment fabric 140cm wide: height 98-110: 0,55м, height 116-128: 0,6м, height 134,140: 0,65м, height 146,152: 0,7м, height 158,164: 0,75м, height 170 - 0,8м, height 176 - 0,85м.

Lining fabric 140cm wide:  height 98-104: 0,5м, height 116-128: 0,55м, height 134-146: 0,6м, height 152-164: 0,65м, height 170,176: 0,7м.

Interfacing  (density 34 g/m2; width 140 cm): height 98-110: 0,55 m, height 116-134: 0,60 m, height 140-152: 0,65 m, height 158-170: 0,70 m, height 176: 0,75 m.

Fusible on grain tape: height 98: 1,15 m, height 104: 1,20 m, height 110-116: 1,25 m, height 122: 1,30 m, height 128-134: 1,35 m,  height 140-146: 1,40 m, height 152: 1,45 m, height 158-164: 1,50 m, height 170-176: 1,55 m.

Bias fusible tape with reinforcement stitches: height 98: 1,80 m, height 104: 1,85 m, height 110: 1,90 m, height 116: 1,95 m, height 122: 2,00 m, height 128: 2,05, height 134: 2,10 m,  height 140: 2,20 m, height 146: 2,25 m, height 152: 2,30 m, height 158: 2,40 m, height 164: 2,50 m, height 170: 2,55 m, height 176: 2,60 m.

 Attention! Given exact fabric consumption can be used only when pattern details are placed on a fabric sheet close to each other. All pattern details should be arranged on an opened fabric sheet strictly on grain in one direction, each pattern piece must be cut out only once.


Buttons with the diameter of 2.2 сm:
— height 98-140 – 5 pcs. (3 pcs. in front + 2 pcs. on the half-belt);
— height 146-176 – 6 pcs. (4 pcs. in front + 2 pcs. on the half-belt).

Pattern is given with seam allowances.   

Detailed sewing instruction with step-by-step photos of sewing is attached to the pattern in the kit.

Degree of difficulty - Intermediate"

The photo shows a vest sewed at the GRASSER for pattern №122.

The model is wearing a product according to the pattern 84-164, the height of the model is 164.

Photos also shows: trousers on pattern №117, neck tab on pattern №848.

We want the work with the Grasser patterns to bring you pleasure, and the sewing process to be understandable, so a file with a very detailed sewing instruction is attached to the pattern. It covers all stages of the work on the garment, with step-by-step SEWING PHOTOS! 

Also there are detailed information of the necessary consumption of fabric, materials and accessories in the instruction.

For sewing you will need the following equipment:
  • Multipurpose sewing machine; 
  • 3 thread overlock machine; 
  • An iron with or without steam; 
  • Regular presser foot; 
  • Ironing desk or console table; 
  • Hand needle for basting; 
  • Machine needles №80-90; 
  • Paper scissors;
  • Scissors for textile cutting.

The pattern in your order is in two print options:

1. For printing on A4/Letter. It is necessary to print out a pattern on an ordinary printer on A4/Letter sheets, then glue the sheets, cut out the pattern and you can sew!

2. For printing on a  large-scale plotter. 

The test square for checking the print scale on the plotter is located on the sheet with the details of the pattern.

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